The Adonai Christmas Party will take place on 6th December this year. As always, Adonai UK hope to fund as much of it as possible – and certainly a useful gift for each sponsored child. We also try to fund a cow that will be used to provide a Christmas meal of fresh beef to widows and families in need in the local community. Can you help?
We aim to send funds for this at the end of October so that they arrive in good time for preparations and shopping. Please send us any donations by October 27th. You can use the DONATE button at the top of this page to donate via Give as you Live or if you are sponsor, you can use the bank details that you use for your monthly donations putting CHRISTMAS as the reference.
Thank you in anticipation! The image at the top of this post is from a previous party and illustrates just how much your gifts mean to these lovely children 🎁